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Many people have heard of the “third eye” but have no idea what this actually means.

The term third eye refers specifically to the third eye (or brow) chakra, or the sixth major energetic chakra. It is located approximately in the center of the eyebrows, between and above the two physical eyes. In Sanskrit this chakra is called ajna and the color associated with it is indigo.

The third eye is associated with actual physical vision, and when it is out of balance (either overactive or underactive) there may be disturbances in an individual’s eyesight or in the eye area generally, as well as issues concerning the sinuses, nose, brain and face. Spiritually there may be an overabundance of unwanted psychic seeing and knowing; that is, the seeing of spirits, sensing of energies, presence of psychic or paranormal phenomena, etc. (Note: for many psychics and spiritual adepts, there is no overabundance of these types of things — overabundance indicates “too much” of something, yet once truly spiritually and psychically developed, all phenomena is placed in its proper context, managed appropriately and, essentially, appreciated.)

Spiritually this chakra is associated with psychic seeing and intuition, and when meditated upon — a variety of methods are available — it can be opened and strengthened, increasing a person’s natural (or supernatural, if you will) psychic gifts, including but not limited to 飄霧眉  the main psychic “clairs”, those being clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, clairaliance and clairgustance. It is through this ajna or third eye chakra that individuals psychically perceive, be it energies, spirits, or subtle shifts in the psychic or spiritual environments.

A common occurrence originating within the third eye is what Muktananda and others referred to as “the blue pearl”. It is a (typically) tiny blue/indigo dot occurring within a person’s actual range of vision. Personally, on average I do see these energetic dots as blue, but sometimes they appear as gold or white — there is no hard and fast rule. When these points of light are observed it usually indicates that the third eye is in fact opening or opened; in my experience it may also indicate the presence of an actual spiritual being (ghost) or force (guide, angel, etc.), which would be uncommon to see without an opened or awakened third eye.

Emotionally, when the third eye chakra is out of balance a person lacks insight and sound perception. They do not see clearly, whether pertaining to the inner or outer things, and this may render them confused, disoriented and even aggressive. Physically, when this chakra is out of balance, an individual might experience headaches, brain fog, brain tumors, faulty memory, sinus maladies and more.

When the third eye chakra is balanced and healthy an individual will be able to accurately intuit details about their environment, conditions, people encountered and even future events. Psychic phenomena around a person will also increase commensurate to the awakening and full functioning of the third eye.


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